Returning Patients

Below, you can schedule your next acupuncture appointment.

You can also schedule a Zoom consultation to check in about nutrition, exercise, stress management, or meditation.

All sessions are $92.

New patients should click here to book.

In-office hours:

Tuesday 1-7
Wednesday 10-3
Friday 1-7
Saturday 8-3

Zoom consult hours:

Wednesday 5-7
Thursday 12-2

Text the word “waitlist” to 414-389-8881 if the time you need is already taken, or for SAME DAY availability. Most people on the waitlist end up with an appointment!


 Dr. Murphy has instituted a number of policies and protocols in the wake COVID-19.

If you develop symptoms, please don’t come in. Zoom is a great platform to handle any symptoms you have. For now, let’s keep the office clear of patients with fevers, coughs, or sneezes - even if those sneezes are just allergies, or something benign. Masks will be worn at all times unless Milwaukee county is below 10/100,000 infection rate.

Bring a light weight scarf if you tend to feel chilly. Carrie will be seeing patients at 2/3 of normal capacity. This is so rooms can be cleaned, disinfected, and ventilated completely.